Partnership with Cluj Cultural Center

Project Cluj Future of Work

imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu

Project Bridges-Gender Equity and Social Safety in Science and STEM

imageArtist:Teodora Predescu

Project nDICEs- Digital Transitions in the Cultural Heritage Sector

 The open observatory: a hub for cultural heritage institution digitization
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
Emergent forms of digital cultural production & reproduction, participation and re-use of CHI contents in DSM
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
Sharing collections sustainably and meaningfully: a brief introduction to rights management in cultural organizations — Sharing collections and fostering their reuse
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
Sharing collections sustainably and meaningfully: a brief introduction to rights management in cultural organizations — Sharing collections and fostering their reuse
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu

Urban Innovation Division Project, CCC - online masterclass about Cluj Innovation Scholarships (BIC)

imageArtist: Teodora Predescu

Ideathon CultureForHealth- documenting and reinterpreting the content of the workshops

imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
imageArtist: Adrian Buda

CultureForHealth Report - Reviewing the Scope of Interventions in the Field of Culture, Well-being, and Health, and the Evidence, Impact, Challenges, and Policy Recommendations for Europe.

imageArtist: Evelina Grigorean
imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
imageArtist: Melinda Ureczki
imageArtist: Adrian Buda & Lucian Barbu
imageArtist: Evelina Grigorean
imageArtist: Melinda Ureczki

Culture’s contribution to health and well-being
A report on evidence and policy recommendations for Europe

Workshop - The Future of Performing Arts in Southern and Eastern Europe

imageArtist: Teodora Predescu
imageArtist: Adrian Buda
imageArtist: Adrian Buda
imageArtist: Evelina Grigorean
imageArtist: Evelina Grigorean